Saturday, April 01, 2006


Posted by JeanellePaige at 4:08 PM
Well, I guess I was TOO generous with the freebies, my site has been temporarily shut down, hee hee. It will be back up tonight at midnight. The freebies will not be back up tonight though. I am working on getting them moved over to a new server, lol. Guess I better not be so generous next time huh? LOL! ;) Thanks for your patience!

3 friends stopped by to say...:

{Paige} on 4/01/2006 5:30 PM said...

Wow! I can't believe that happened!! Although I guess it's a good means people were visiting the site!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OPPS lol press the wrote buttons and it sent my message :P
I was going to says:
Wow! that is a lot of people going to the site eh!! Congratulations on the opening Jeanelle! So sorry about the it being shut down for the rest of the day.. I have never had that problem with powweb. They give you so much bandwidth I would of never thought anyone would have that problem unless groups were passing out the url to freebies? Something to check into.


Life... as I know it. {Jeanelle Paige Designs}