1.My husband who would do anything for me (even though he's broken my heart over and over) *sigh*
2.My home. We need more rooms, but I am glad we have a nice home.
3.MUSIC. My itunes. I am very grateful for that.
4.My mom, who lives next door. She has helped me out a lot.
5.My last child, who was not planned. I am grateful we had her. She is my snugglebug who gives lots of hugs and kisses and says, "I love you." all the time. I love you too Bean!
Those of you that missed the free kit.. sorry! About 80 of you DL'd it though! That was a LOT since I never advertized it! I was surprized! Well, I am glad those of you who got it get to enjoy it! I would LOVE to see LO's done... so PLEASE come back and post links so I can leave ya some digilove!
Well, I have to get off of my butt and clean. I DONT want to but i have to make myself. I just would rather sit here all day, or lay on the couch. I am in the process of making a new kit. Here's a sneak peek at the colors:

It's a BOY kit! So many many girl kits and people are always saying they are looking for more boy kits! Gonna have a very teenage feel to it. No cutsey baby boy stuff! So be looking for that soon! I might, just maybe, post it for free like I did the last kit... so be on the lookout! ;)
Thank you all for reading!